I have to say that my shaman experience will not be the same as someone elses experience. No two shamans are alike, especially when every...

Asking a Hmong Shaman For Help
The reason for this post is to inform people on proper time to ask a shaman for help, proper time to pick the shaman up, and what kind of...
My First Healing
I had a strange dream. I visited a small Hmong village. They lived their daily normal lives. The women and daughters sitting at the door...
Chapter Untitled
My friend had died. I was entering high school. I was confused about my identity. My sister had gotten married. We were losing our house....
Dark. Quietness. Stillness. In the dark alone. Shadows. Where? All around. I became aware of these dark shadows as early as nine or ten...
Dream 12.18.17
Over the weekend, I went to visit my master as she "tso qhua." The night was filled with a lot of overwhelming energy. Also, I ua neeb...
Fuck It.
When I sense high energy, I try my best to remove myself from the situation or I move to a different room. I see a circle of spirits,...
Dream 11.14
Somehow, someway, I dreamed that I walked out of the forest and into a Hmong village. Houses were as they were centuries ago, covered in...
Dream 10.19
I was in a Hmong village, similar to those we hear from our grandparents and great grandparents. The houses were still made from sticks...
The Practice of Spiritual Solitude
Solitude, in simple terms, basically means taking time off from the chaos of the world and the chaotic energy that negatively impacts...