Asking a Hmong Shaman For Help
The reason for this post is to inform people on proper time to ask a shaman for help, proper time to pick the shaman up, and what kind of items to bring to a shaman. Hmong shamans believe that timing is essential. So, I thought I'd help out friends and family by providing information.
Best time to call a shaman:
The best times to call a shaman is during the evening when the sun is setting. Typical time is any time after 6pm or 7pm. When calling a shaman, ask if we are available to talk. If they are not, ask when we will be free and the shaman will provide you better time to call. Timing is of essence. It is believed that if you call when the shaman is eating dinner, it is a sign that the healing ritual (ua neeb kho) is going to be a difficult one and there may be a chance the healing ritual won't work. We interpret this as "dab noj hnub, dab noj hli. Dab noj tub, dab noj ki." The translation is "Ghost eat moon, ghost eat sun. Ghost eat son, ghost eat daughter."
Best days to call a shaman:
Most shamans believe that odd number days are the best. When calling or contacting a shaman, try to call on odd days (1,3,5,7,9, etc) and days between the 1st - 15th.
Best time to pick up a shaman:
In order to do a ritual, the people asking help from a shaman must pick up the shaman. People need to pick up the shaman so their shaman spirits and guides can come with the person. A shaman cannot perform a ritual if they do not get picked up. The best times to pick up a shaman is during a sunrise or after a sunset. The worst time to pick up a shaman is during afternoon or lunch time.
Best time to ua neeb (ritual):
The best time to ua neeb or perform a ritual is early morning. Most shamans prefer 7am but most will perform the ritual around 8am and no later than 10am. If the shaman does not perform during the sunrise/morning, they will prefer to ua neeb during the sunset or around 5pm - 7pm. The same goes for a hu plig (soul calling). These times allow best communication and contact with the other side. Also, when the sun is rising, ghost and spirits are going back to their place. When the sun is setting, ghost and spirits are coming back out. These are the best times to ua neeb.
What to bring to a shaman:
When picking up the shaman AND coming to a shaman's house, a person must bring a roll of joss paper, a bundle of joss sticks, and roll them together. This is for the shaman's spirits and guides (see picture below).

When to bow to the shaman:
When picking up the shaman, give them the joss paper and sticks. Go to their altar and bow down TWICE. DO NOT bow only once and DO NOT bow three times. If you bow down only once, you are bowing down to death and sickness. Then, turn to the shaman and bow down to them, again, only TWICE.
When the shaman has arrived and is about to start, wait until they put on their finger bells to bow down. Do not bow before or after. Again, only bow down twice.
When the shaman is done, wait when they are about to take their bells off. If their bells are already off, wait until they lift their cloth on their face. Bow down only twice.
November - December
During these months, most shamans will perform a "tso qhua" ritual. This means they bring their spirits back to siv yis (Hmong's first shaman) and regain strength. The shaman will then later perform a "tos qhua" ritual. They will go back and retrieve all their spirits again. Some will do this the same day as tso qhua, while some will wait a week, and others even a whole month. During this time, the shaman cannot perform any type of rituals.
After they perform a "tos qhua" ritual, the first people to ask for help from a shaman must do what we call a "qhib thaj neeb" or "opening of the altar." This includes $20, joss paper and sticks, as well as a rooster. You simply ask the shaman if anyone has "qhib" or open their altar yet.
How to set up the altar
After the shaman has confirmed they will perform a ritual, ask them what kind of things or items they need. Some will specify how to set up the altar (for example, three cups of rice, two eggs, two cups of water, etc) and some will say they will come set up themselves when they arrive. Some will say they need flowers, some will say they need candles. Ask them if they need any chickens, roosters, pig etc. It''s important to be prepared ahead of time.
The Egg
When doing any type of ritual rather it be a healing or soul calling, it is important that the egg cooks properly. When the egg is boiled and cooked, it acts as a medium source for the transfer of the soul from the spirit form to the physical form. During a hu plig or soul calling, the soul is trapped inside the egg and we bring the egg inside the house so that house spirits can capture it. The egg must NOT crack or break open. This is not a good sign.