If Only Life Could Be Like A Shaman's Kuam...
I wish life could be as easy as a shaman's kuam... a simple toss and it gives you the answers to all of life's questions. A simple toss...
Herbal Medicine
Most Hmong shaman altars will have two sections. One section for the shaman spirits and one section for Yum Vaj or the medicine altar. If...

Dream 4.25.20
I was in a Hmong village, probably somewhere in Laos or Thailand because the house was made entirely from hay straws and banana leaves....
Understanding Death
Welcome to TFL Hmong shamanism, conversations on spirituality, topics of the universe, and Hmong shaman healing. Ultimately all religions...

Scary Dream 4/5/20
I looked up and saw the mountains in flames. The mountains came burning down as if chocolate piles being melted on a hot burner. Trees...

Updates 3/31
Hello to my friends, family, and readers. I just want to give everyone an update on my absence. A few of you continue to write me letters...

Burning Mountain Dream 3.7.20
I was in a dream. I was walking in a dead forest. The mood was lit red. The trees were dead. The grass was burnt. It was foggy and...

Spirit Possession
Spirit possession is more common around the world than people in the West think. It has archives in almost all regions of the world and...
Ghosts are departed from the human tissue but still unable to detach from life form experiences. They exist in this middle limbo unable...

Shape Shifting
Encompassing a variety of spiritual and magical transformation skills, shape shifting is practiced throughout ancient cultures. Ancient...