How To Find Your Shaman Master (xib fwb)
A shaman master is someone who is a teacher or mentor to a new shaman beginning their journey. They are someone who can hold the...

Dream 12/9/19
I was in a building. It somewhat looked like a hospital. I was strolling an old Hmong yawg tvxiv (grandpa) to the elevators. There were...
Dream 11.12.19
It was during the Vietnam War. I was in an underground refugee camp. It felt more like a torture bunker. All around me were Hmong people,...
Adult Children of Divorced Parents
The pain of divorce continues into adulthood. People say it's painful for young and little children because they don't understand what's...
Meeting Someone From Your Past Life
Past life reconnections can be an intense feeling. It can be someone who you've met for the very first time or it can be someone who's...
Visitation Dream
Perhaps almost all, or certainly at least over half of the human population, have experienced a visitation dream from a loved one that...
Hmong Shamanism Questions & Answers Part 2
Dear Friends, Thank you to all of you who submitted questions and personal messages. Thank you for sharing your story and opening up to...

Hmong Shaman Animal Names
In this short presentation, we go over the different animal names that are used during shaman rituals. Each animal has a specific name...
Hmong Shamansim Q&A Update
Dear Friends, I received so many submissions and am working on getting these back to you. If anyone is still interested in submitting...
Hmong Shamanism Questions & Answers part 1
Thank you all for your questions and submissions. I received a lot of messages and I appreciate all of you opening up and sharing your...