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Burning Mountain Dream 3.7.20

I was in a dream. I was walking in a dead forest. The mood was lit red. The trees were dead. The grass was burnt. It was foggy and cloudy. The temperature was very hot and dry. I came across three white butterflies and asked, "I don't know this place very well and I need to get to the top of that burning mountain. Can you lead me the way?" The three butterflies agreed to take me. So, I followed them up the mountain path. As I inhaled it felt like swallowing a hundred red peppers. My forehead was burnt red. My feet were hot. There was no sign of life, water, food...just flames. The entire mountain was burning. The dirt was black from the fire. There was smoke everywhere. Laval pouring out from the top and side of the mountain. Branches up in flames and we could barely see the road. We were 3/4 up the mountain when the butterflies said, "It's too hot up here, we can't go any farther." I told them, "The reason I'm here is because I'm here to say good-bye to my person. My person is at the top of this burning mountain where they have been waiting." The butterflies responded, "We can't go up there or else our wings will melt. Follow this path and it should take you to your person." Before I left I asked the butterflies to stay there and wait for me and that in due time I'll be back. They agreed and took on the next journey on my own.

I woke up.


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