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Dream 4.25.20

I was in a Hmong village, probably somewhere in Laos or Thailand because the house was made entirely from hay straws and banana leaves. The people there were in old raggy Hmong clothes. In the corner was an individual who was possessed. The family wanted me to ua neeb (shaman ritual) to help save their person. The person was skin and bone, had deep eye sockets, bruises all over their body, and their skin was yellow pale. I could tell they were hanging by a thread. I suddenly shook my txiab neeb (shaman rattle) and screamed for the entity to come out and suddenly a black shadow entity came with a powerful wind and forced us down. This creature was crawling on the floor like a monkey. They were screaming, puking and spitting out blood at me, telling me to mind my own business and that it didn't do anything wrong to me. It spoke Hmong to me but also making animal noises. It kept making monkey noises, then a dog barking, to a cat, a lion, and just random sounds. It looked like a person but crawled like a monkey. Their bones all broken and twisted. Its tongue was long and it kept sticking its tongue out, hissing like a snake and licking its own blood. It had hair on its head but was tangled from the mud and dirt. It was wearing raggy Hmong clothes. It said it was going to kill the person. I called for my Uncle K, my dad, and my partner to help hold this entity down but they had ran off to the corner of the home, assisting the sick individual and their family. So I took a long wooden stick, shoved it in the entity's mouth, and forced it's head down. I applied as much pressure as I could and climbed right on top of this entity's body. It continued to puke and spray blood at me. There was blood all over my face and clothes. Its hand trying to choke me and poke my eye. I then took my shaman rattle and wrapped it around the entity's head. The rattle became smaller and smaller until it was tight around its neck. The rattle turned into a thick rope/string made from lemon grass leaves but it was shiny and felt extremely hot. The lemon grass rope was burning the creature and so it continued to scream and fight me. I then drag this creature out the home, literally dragging it by the neck on the rope, leaving a trail of blood, dirt, piss and poop on the floor from this entity. I called for my dad, my uncle K, and my partner to come with me because we were going to a place called Tsua Maj Tsua Mos. This is an actual realm that shamans go to at the end of the each lunar year to replenish their shamans. From what I understand there are 12 caves inside Tsua Maj Tsua Mos and one of them serves as a prison for evil entities. At this point I started to go into a trance and my shamans lifted all of us, me, the evil entity, my dad, my partner, and my uncle K. We arrived inside this beautiful mountain. It had endless yellow flowers. It was just an open field with all types of yellow flowers, roses, carnations, lillys, you name it. It also had giant trees that went all the way up to the top. It didn't look like there was a top because of how big this cave was. Anyway, I continued to have my foot on top of the evil entity. I grabbed its neck and called for my shamans to deliver and lock away this entity for causing harm, sickness, and death. Then, a big overpowering wind came from far away and just sucked the evil entity away slowly. The creature was scratching on the ground, screaming that it was going to kill all of us. Then, I looked over to my dad, my uncle K, and my partner and they were all on the ground, dazed off into unconsciousness. I quickly pushed them out of the cave and we were on this endless road. Seriously, just an endless road walking to no where. I told them we're going to go home now. From the corner of my eye I can see the entity, tied up in the lemon grass ropes. It was screaming and spitting at me saying how once it is free it's going to come back and kill me.

I woke up. 4:13am.

Dreams like these are common for a lot of shamans. I still get scared when I wake up because it feels so real. The dream feels so long. It feels so clear as if I saw and lived it myself. What ever this dream may mean or symbolize, I just know that the individual in the dream will be ok. They will be at peace in what ever way they need to be in their journey. When shamans accept and begin their journey, we understand that our life truly has no meaning and meaning all at the same time. We were born onto this Earth to help heal people which means we must do everything we can to bring peace upon people's lives, regardless if it means putting our own lives at risk. Once a shaman has accepted their destiny, we must understand and accept that our sole purpose is to help heal a person, our life for theirs. In many cases shamans must literally use their own soul and swap it out for the person they are healing. Our life has meaning but we must view others as more meaning than our own.


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