The Tiger Man
I was wearing my black shaman veil. I was in the forest. It's all dark. Windy because the trees are curved and the branches were wavy....
Intro To Hmong Shamanism 102
Hi friends and family. This is part two of a three part webinar series on Hmong Shamanism. This webinar or presentation focuses on the...
Intro to Hmong Shamanism 101
Hi Friends and Family, Join us in this first of three parts webinar series on Hmong shamanism. This is a 36 min presentation on the...
Txiav Ntshua Ntawm (Cutting Spirit Money)
Ntshua Ntawm is a type of spirit money that is used mostly in shaman rituals. You will see these most used during a healing ritual or ua...
Dream 5.4.19
I was sick during the week of this dream. For five days I experienced extreme headaches and back pain. So every night since Monday I have...
Black Magic
Khawv koov dub or black magic is described as using supernatural energy that is evil or demonic in nature. All black magic serves for an...
Dreams 3.4.19
I found myself in the forest, lost and confused as to why. A few steps away was this huge cave, very tall and dark. In it were these...
The Story of Siv Yis
The first Hmong shaman was Siv Yis. Because there was so much sickness and death on Earth, it was said that the heavens sent Siv Yis to...
Dream 2.24.19
Somehow I was deep in the forest. There were these Hmong/Chinese looking people, very skinny and pale. Their eyes popped out as if they'd...
A Scary Story
*Gasps* I woke up gasping for some air. *Creek...* It's 3:32am and something is in the corner of my room. The red light from my alarm...