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Visitation Dream

Perhaps almost all, or certainly at least over half of the human population, have experienced a visitation dream from a loved one that has passed. Visitation dreams are the ones we experience while asleep, of course, and we see or communicate with a passed loved one like a spouse, a parent, grandparent, friend, etc. They do not have to be someone who was very close to us, although most of the time they are. The distinction between a normal "everyday" dream and a visitation dream is that everyday dreams have no real purpose or meaning. They are simply a way for our brain to cleanse itself of yesterday's stress, to categorize mental maps. Visitation dreams are specifically when someone we knew or loved that has passed comes and visits us and they are very real.

So, why do our loved ones come and visit us? What do they want? How do we know it's real and not just psychological? When we are asleep our spirit is able to wander or be in the "in between." It is in our sleep stage that we dream of where our spirit is and what it is doing. Our loved one is able to visit us because we are in this stage. This happens in many forms. Sometimes they just show themselves to us, sometimes they smile, sometimes they come and engage in conversation like two long lost friends catching up, and other times we see them in despair, in sadness, or angered. Even sometimes when we are just about to wake up and we open our eyes every so lightly and we see them staring at us or sitting in the corner of our room. So what do they want? Why did they come and visit you?

Deceased loved ones simply just don't come and say hi for no reason. If they are someone who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, chances are they have a lot of unsaid words. Healing and being able to move on happens for souls just as much as people. And so in order for a deceased person to move on in their next journey, they too will have to make amends to the people in their life. These people can be someone who they hurt, someone who has hurt them, their kids, spouse, friends, cousins..basically anyone who has had an impact on them and if they had any unsaid words or promises, they'll come back in a visitation dream. In other times as well, they appear to us in dreams so that our own healing can start. We may be hurting or feel a great depression and they can see this, sense it, and want to be able to help you move on as well. Think of a time when you were really stressed out, feeling really sad or depressed... Our loved ones, although we may not see it, are watching us, guarding us, and protecting us. They'll visit us in dreams during our times of sadness as a reminder that we are loved. In other times deceased loved ones visit us because they have some last requests and they won't be at rest until it is fulfilled. These are more of the extreme cases that often times require special help.

When a deceased loved one has a last request and it is not fulfilled by their survived family members, they will come back in anger because they are not at rest. They cannot move on to their next journey until this is satisfied and until then they are a restless spirit. An example may be that they requested a certain outfit for their burial and the family gives them a different outfit. Another example may be that the loved one was put to rest in a location that they didn't want to be in. I've seen many cases as well where a loved one requested a special dinner and they didn't get it when they were alive, and so they've come back in dreams requesting it. When these requests are not satisfied it creates a restless spirit and it can effect the family and many generations to come. In these types of situations you can simply visit your loved one at their site and bring them the item. If they requested food, bring them their favorite dish. If they asked for money or clothes, bring that for them. Burn it for them at their site. If you owed them money when they were alive, pay that to them, finish that last thing you owe them so they can leave you alone and move on in their journey.

After a visitation dream you may have thought, "They're dead but when I saw them I wasn't scared or even remembered that they were gone?" This is because our rationale thinking, the logic part of our brain that we use everyday to make decisions is at rest. It is not typically engaged or have control over what our spirit or soul does. If we were in waking state and saw someone we knew that just passed away suddenly walking down the street, our first reaction would typically be fear. But in a dream we may typically greet them, give them hugs, kiss them, and be overjoyed with happiness. Our spirit and that person once had a history or a connection and so our spirit would greet them with love and happiness, not fear and doubt. Through research many people have reported seeing a loved one mostly in a good form, meaning not in a scary or dark way. The deceased appeared as they did in life rather than as they did when they fell ill. People also report that the deceased often appeared much younger or more healthy than when they died. Their message often conveyed, "I'm ok now..." and this can be transmitted either through speech or just simply mentally. Some people report full conversations. Visitation dreams, unlike regular dreams, make sense. They are clear, often short, vivid, and very real. We may find ourselves sometimes in tears when we wake up or experiencing a shortness of breath. Our body may physically respond to the dream which explains the fast heart beat, the sweat, the tears, the fear, etc. When we wake up we find ourselves changed and feel a sense of release. We will remember this dream for weeks, months, and even years. They become a real memory for us even though it was just a dream.

Visitation dreams are not something to be scared of. But, they are not something one should expect. We should find peace and closure in these dreams and when we do, it is also giving them peace and closure so they too can move on. Life and death is nothing more than another stage. It is nothing and yet everything, it isn't the beginning or ending but just an experience...



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