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The Tiger Man

I was wearing my black shaman veil. I was in the forest. It's all dark. Windy because the trees are curved and the branches were wavy. Leaves flying everywhere. I was running, but from what? There was a striped man-tiger chasing me. He was running on two feet like a human, but his paws and legs were that of a tiger. His face was human like, but it had striped hair and his teeth was sharp. He was much taller and wider than I was. Then, I stopped and we both fought. Hand to paw. Sword to his tail. He had these sharp claws. He would jump up and down, striking me with his paw and opening his jaw to bite me.

From the corner of my eye I could see little poj ntxoogs (Hmong monsters) hiding behind the trees. There must had been 100 of them in that forest. They'd pop there head out, laugh, and hide behind the tree, giggling and laughing. Then, I'd see them climb up the trees, jump from tree to tree as the tiger-man and I continued our fight. They sat like how monkeys do, bent at the knee They wore old torn up Hmong clothes. I was running but everywhere I looked, looked the same... Then I prayed to my shamans, calling them by name, verse by verse as if in a trance...

Then, I woke up.

If I'm honest, the Hmong tiger is something I fear so much. This isn't the first dream I've had involving a fight with this tiger and not shockingly the first time I've seen it. I had a client who fell ill because of a tiger. And I remember after helping her, I had a dream this tiger came, fought me, and I was in pretty bad shape. I specifically remembering my legs all scratched and eaten up. The next week my legs were in pain all week. I remember another dream with this tiger and just seeing it circling my house, making rounds in the night. It changed from tiger form to human form and it even came inside the house. In that dream I hid in the bathroom, prayed to my shaman spirits, and two Hmong man magically reached from the window and pulled me out just in time. Quite possibly this tiger can symbolize things like an illness, death, or traumatic event. They can also symbolize tremendous stress and defeat as well. In times of spiritual distress, we should find our balance in the universe. We're all surfing on a big wave with the world on our shoulders and if we don't stop and get out of this wave, we'll go under. Take care of yourselves as I fear there may be a life changing cosmic event to occur.



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