Where Are We Now?
We've seen so much sickness and death in our community in the last year. As shamans and healers of our community, I felt hopeless. Many of our elders have lost their battle to Covid-19, many young people and adults experience near death, some are still recovering after months, and many families and individuals still in grief. Some of us without parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings, friends... In the last year alone, I took precautions and put my shaman practice at a halt due to this virus. Many people called seeking healing rituals in concern for their person who caught covid-19. I always tell people that they should always seek medical services first, and that's exactly what they did. Some people called as a last resort because the doctors said, "there's nothing we can do..." They said, "we did what you asked, but now can you help us?" When they turned to me, and to the shaman community, there wasn't much we could do. We closed our altar. We were scared to perform rituals at other homes. All I could do was perform diagnostic rituals or readings over the phone, ensured them to stay positive, and to keep praying and having hope. I could offer guidance, spiritual support, protection, and spiritual strength, but for some clients, none of that worked. I've had a few distant family members and clients seek services. But they loss their life to the virus...
I remember my first covid-19 case was an elderly Hmong woman. This woman tested positive for COVID-19 during the height of the pandemic, October - Mid November when people were just starting to understand that this virus was not going anywhere. This client's daughter had called seeking services for their mother. She revealed that her elderly mother tested positive for COVID-19 and isn't doing too well. She was so concerned, so worried, and so scared, as understandably so. I of course agreed to do a diagnostic reading. I burnt incense at my altar, grabbed hold of my buffalo horns, and started the reading. The smoke from the incense burnt very straight forward and it produced very dark smoke, typically a sign that the person's breath is in decline. The readings from the buffalo horns was not good. It indicated an open passageway to reincarnation. The horns revealed "99 txoj kev qhib mus thawj thiab, 88 txoj kab qheb mus thawj thw" which translates to "99 roads open to reincarnation, 88 ways open to reincarnation." I then asked my guides to stop my client's spirit from moving forward in their passage. I tossed the horns and it revealed to me that the road to reincarnation cannot be closed... In this situation, I tossed the horn again asking my guides to reveal the outcome. The results were negative. The horns were closed and cross like an X. This revealed the end of their passage here on Earth... Suddenly, I then see a huge bug crawl from under my spirit money. It was just hanging out. It didn't move. It didn't startle. This was indication that my client's spirit is no longer with us. I simply released it outside and spiritually shed light for it to find it's way home. Internally I knew the spirit was gone. A few days go past and she didn't make it.
Covid-19 is a spiritual entity. It is a virus, a leech and pet of the demon. It is an entity that can infect the lives and intellect of thousands of people. The entity is not a strong one, but instead COVID-19 is an entity that is smart. The reason I say smart is because it's not strong enough to claim or possess the spirit of a person, and so it's smart enough to know that without our body, without our strength, our lungs...it can penetrate us and and claim our lives this way. You see, our body is easily hurt. We bump it on something, it bruises. We touch something sharp, we get cut and bleed. We drink something and it poisons our body. We hear something we don't agree with, we fight. In this case, we breath in something and it makes our body sick. So this virus, this entity has figured out that if it can't take our spirit, it'll infest our physical shell to the point where it can no longer contain the spirit. It's like a spaceship. If there's no spaceship, there's no pilot.
Our body, thinking, our intelligence, and emotion is all connected with our spirit. Demons and negative entities often find ways to attach to and attack these parts that make us human. It's hard to simply grab hold of a spirit. It knows that. But it also knows that depression can lead to suicide. It knows that drugs and alcohol will slowly kill us. Disagreements will result in war and rage and we'll kill each other. Some demonic entities themselves are smart tricksters in this way. In this case, it used the air we breath to cause some of us to get sick, some of us didn't, while others loss their life to it. So, where are we now? If we take care of our body, if we get the vaccine, if we wear a mask to prevent this virus from entering our body, if we social distance, wash our hands, etc, we can end this virus. We can end this demonic entity. We are the carriers of it. We are the hosts of it. If we are the carriers, we can put a stop to this if we want to.
TFL Hmong Shaman