Signs a Spirit is Trying to Contact You

How can we tell when a spirit is trying to contact us? Why might a spirit reach out, and what should we do when it happens? Channeling and communication with spirits occur on a spectrum. Even those who aren't deeply spiritual can sense a spirit's presence, often without realizing it. For those more attuned to the spiritual world, the experience is different. I can only share my perspective as a Hmong shaman.
Spiritual contact happens intuitively. You've probably heard the phrase, "We just know." Think about times when you're driving and suddenly feel you should avoid a certain route or take a different one. That could be a loved one guiding your intuition. Or, consider when you decide to stay home for the night and later learn an accident occurred at an event you were planning to attend. This might also be a spirit trying to contact you. For most people, spiritual contact happens through intuition and dreams. Sometimes, spirits make contact by appearing as animals. Many people have told me that after losing a loved one, a bird or butterfly seems to stay close to them, sometimes even landing on their shoulder or the resting place of their loved one. This is another way spirits reach out to us.
Traditional shamans often say they just know, relying on gut feelings and instincts. We sense spiritual conversations in our gut because it feels right. Communication can also come through dreams or omens—signs revealing future events. Hmong shamans believe spirits can communicate through omens to loved ones. We have a heightened sense to see and respond to these signs. Spirits can also reach out through dreams. People often ask, "How do we know it's not just a regular dream?" I always say, "You'll know." Waking up from a dream in a sweat, feeling fear or terror, or with strong emotions like love or sadness can indicate a spirit trying to contact you. It depends on the dream's context, what was revealed, and how it ended.
Spirits don't contact us randomly or just because they miss us. They reach out for good reasons. Many people tell me they dream of loved ones when they are stressed or depressed. Spirits see and hear what we're going through. They're always around us, not bound by time as we are. Seeing them in dreams is a reminder that they are watching out for us, telling us, "You'll be okay."
Since I was a young child, around five or six years old, spirits have contacted and communicated with me, mostly through dreams. I vividly remember being in third or fourth grade when I made a little "fence" out of those bamboo sticks we use for grilling. I colored it green and red, and taped it onto a napkin. Then, I taped this makeshift fence to my bedroom door. When my parents asked me what it was, I told them it was a fence to keep out ghosts. Even at that young age, I intuitively knew to do this because spirits were guiding me. I didn't understand it until I accepted my shaman journey in my early 20s and reflect back to all those small little incidents when spirits were guiding me all along. At the beginning of my journey, my master created a small altar for me. I realized then that I could channel. Channeling means communicating with spirits and receiving information. Shamans channel through trance, divination, or spiritual possession.
Spiritual possession is when a spirit takes over the shaman's or channeler's body, using it as a vessel to communicate. The shaman feels the emotions of the spirit, often intense ones like anger, deep sadness, or hysterical crying. During possession, we speak as if we are the spirit because it is using our voice. In my experience, I have no control over what is happening. I can hear myself speaking but feel like I'm on the other side, just listening. My master taught me how to remain in control so that spirit possessions don't take over my life. We must harness our spiritual energy and assert ourselves to avoid losing control during a possession. Unlike what we see in movies, spiritual possession isn't a predictable event. We can't just call a spirit's name and channel it; often, we don't know who is coming through or when it will happen. Possession is physically and mentally exhausting, draining us immensely.

When a spirit tries to channel through me, I get an uneasy feeling that disturbs my intuition. It's sudden and unexpected, making breathing difficult as the spirit tries to take over my body and mind. My hands and feet clench, I start to hyperventilate, my face goes numb, and my lips fold inward. My master taught me to control the situation. We have two choices: allow the spirit to come through or leave the area. Leaving the area disconnects the entry point because the spirit wants to communicate with someone nearby. It requires focused breathing and concentration to physically move out of the area to break the connection.
There are many signs that spirits are trying to contact you. Many people have shared that they suddenly lose their keys or wallets, repeatedly losing something important to them. This can indicate a spirit trying to get your attention. Another sign is a sudden, distinct smell, especially one you're familiar with. If your loved one smoked in the house, and you suddenly smell that same odor, it can be a sign of contact. This could be your departed loved ones bringing forth a specific scent you always associated with them in life.
Spirits also often connect through young toddlers, people living on the autism spectrum, or elderly individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's. The minds of young toddlers, people on the spectrum, and late-age elders are similar in that they are open and intuitive, only knowing to live in the now. In addition, light orbs are often associated with the presence of spirits too. There's a photo of me when I was about one year old (taken in the 90s), sitting on the couch. In the corner of the photo, there's a white streak or orb, and you can see me looking directly at it.
The connection between us and the spirit world is deeply personal and intuitive. Unlike Christianity or other organized religions, shamanism doesn't reject any religion or spirituality. Instead, it embraces all these religions and spiritual practices, acknowledging that people's beliefs and experiences are valid. For some, this is deeply rooted in the existence of God; for others, it’s purely scientific. Shamanism believes that we all coexist and that our world is not the only plane of existence. Our perception is not the only way of seeing. Our intuition and emotions are powerful tools in recognizing and responding to these spiritual connections. By trusting our instincts and being open to the signs, we can maintain a profound bond with those who have passed on, finding comfort and guidance in their presence.
TFL Hmong Shaman