How To Spiritually Cleanse Your Home
When bad energy surrounds you, it seems as if no matter what you do you can't escape it. The constant bad luck, tiredness, declining health and health issues, mental illness, arguments with family and loved ones, constant sickness, bad dreams, and paranormal experiences are all indications of bad energy surrounding you. These can be energies that you pick up on the way from going one place to another, far distance traveling, camping, or these can be direct black magic from another person. Bad energy can also mean spirits and ghosts are around you and/or your home. It can be stressful when you feel like there's something in your home but not sure what to do and where to begin.
The very first thing you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your home is to neutralize your space. As light healers and shamans we cannot use an attack on another person that may be using black magic because it taints our shaman guides and the work we are meant to do. But we can neutralize our surrounding and the energy that surrounds us. By doing so we can rid of hexes, curses, voodoo magic, dark magic, bad and evil spirits, dark entities, and ghosts.
Anyone can perform these two rituals and you do not need to be a shaman to do so. These are two easy rituals you can do.
The First Ritual:
The first ritual is easy. The Materials You Will Need Are:
A bowl (make sure this is deep enough to hold a candle)
Three pieces of square joss cut out
A single white or yellow candle
You will need to do this ritual in your living room in the evening. Make sure to dig a hole in your back yard furthest from your home. This hole should be deep enough to pour a bowl of water into it.
The first step is to burn the bottom of the candle into your bowl. Use the melted wax and stick the candle into the bowl. Make sure it is sturdy by allowing a good amount of melted wax to drip.
Once the candle is up right, slowly and very carefully pour water into the bowl. It makes it a lot easier to have the bowl already set up where you want. Use a water bottle or cup to slowly pour water to the very top of the bowl or just until the water reaches 1/2 inch from the top of the candle. You should still have enough to light the candle on.

Now that the candle is lit, very carefully take the three joss papers and wipe yourself first. Then, wipe all the doors and windows in your home. Make sure to do this in every room and hallway, even closets. This is because dark energies can use these as entrances or hiding spots. For the doors, wipe around the door and then on the actual door. Repeat this for windows as well.
After doing so, burn the paper into the bowl. You must use the candle's flame but only enough to burn the joss paper a little. Then immediately dip the paper into the water and this should kill the flame. Make sure to be very careful not to knock over the candle.
Allow the candle to die on its own. This is very important because in this process it is neutralizing you and your space. It is not only burning the black magic, hexes, curses, or negative energy but also drowning it. Using opposites, you can make these elements work together to neutralize your home. Imagine using a negative charge and a positive charge to equalize a zero charge.
Once the candle has died down, carefully take the entire bowl and go to the hole you dig outside. Pour everything into that hole and bury it. You must throw away your bowl and cannot bring it inside your home. If you use your back door, make sure to go back inside using the front door. You cannot use the same door you came from. If you only have one door (if you live in an apartment or condo) then at least go a different path before using the same door. For example, go around your apartment or condo two or three times, clockwise and counterclockwise, and then enter your home.
The Second Ritual
The Materials You Will Need Are:
a. 12 square joss sheets
b. single white candle
c. a bowl
You will need to do this in the evening. Before you start, dig a hole in your backyard deep enough to bury water and joss paper. This type of cleansing is especially good if you've been constantly sick or if your family is experiencing declining health issues. To make this ritual even more effective, perform this ritual for five nights, five days before the full moon. This means the fifth and final night you do this it should be on the night of the full moon.

First, evenly place 11 square sheets of joss paper in a circle. Refer to Step 1 as an example. The circle should be big enough for you to freely move and allow enough space for you to place your bowl next to you.
To prepare the bowl, burn the bottom of the candle into your bowl. Use the melted wax and stick the candle into the bowl. Make sure it is sturdy by allowing a good amount of melted wax to drip.
Once the candle is up right, slowly and very carefully pour water into the bowl. It makes it a lot easier to have the bowl already set up where you want, in this case inside the circle. Use a water bottle or cup to slowly pour water to the very top of the bowl or just until the water reaches 1/2 inch from the top of the candle. You should still have enough to light the candle on.

Once you've set up the 11 joss sheets in a circle and light the candle, hold the 12th (last joss sheet) in your hand. You must take only FIVE (5) steps backwards. On your fifth step you should step outside the circle and gently place the 12th sheet down and close the circle. Refer to step 2 as an example.
Once the candle hits the water and dies down, collect the joss sheets starting with the first sheet to your right and go in that direction. It doesn't matter where or how you stand outside the circle but start with the joss sheet closest to you directly on your right.
Once you collect the 12 sheets, bring your bowl and the joss sheets outside to the hole you dug. Burn the 12 sheets into that hole and as it burns, pour your bowl of water and candle into it, killing the flame. Bury everything and throw away your bowl. Do not bring this bowl back inside with you.
If you use your back door, make sure to go back inside using the front door. You cannot use the same door you came from. If you only have one door (if you live in an apartment or condo) then at least go a different path before using the same door. For example, go around your apartment or condo two or three times, clockwise and counterclockwise, and then enter your home.
If you feel a heavy on your shoulders, a dark cloud over your life, or you've been experiencing bad luck and health, consider cleansing your home by doing any of the two rituals above. The rituals help neutralize your space.
TFL Hmong Shamanism