FAQs Hmong Shamanism
How does someone become a shaman?
A person must experience mob neeb or shaman sickness. Shaman sickness is categorized into two. The first is physiological and the second is mental and spiritual. The sickness must be consistent and persistent over a period of time and no medicine has alleviated or helped. Some people may experience near death experiences like a disease or cancer. A person never truly chooses to become a shaman, shaman guides choose the person.
If I have shaman guides, how do I know what type they are?
There are many types and lineages of Hmong shamanism. Your type of shaman lineage usually depends on your master and if you come from a lineage of shamans in your family. Your master should be able to confirm to you what type of guides and lineage you are. You cannot choose the type of lineage you want, they choose you. Traditionally, Hmong shamans only have one type of lineage or two at max. However, many shamans today have more than just one or two.
What happens if I have shaman guides but don't want to become a shaman?
You can either deny them completely and do a ritual to send them off permanently or decide to convert and join a different belief or religion. However, if you don't accept your calling, you will always have the shaman sickness until the day you pass over. Shaman sickness is meant to stay until after initiation. If no initiation ever happens, the sickness remains. In some cases, too, your shaman guides will go to your children and cause them shaman sickness.
What does a Hmong shaman see when they're in a trance?
90% of the time a shaman does not see anything. They feel everything and that is what we base our diagnosis on. Our shaman guides allow us to feel what they feel and we communicate through that. At times, we may see flashes or visions, but it is not like how we see in our wakening state. It's really hard to explain but a lot of times shamans just know it in their heart. This is especially true when a person is near death. Our shamans close or block the paths for us because there is nothing we can do to change the fate of a person. It is a deep internal gut feeling that I don't think non-shamans have the ability or sense to develop.
Has being gay impact how the community or culture view you as a shaman?
The people who don't have a problem with me living my best life and truest form are the ones that still utilize me as a service, and those that find it problematic do not utilize me as a service. The short answer is, yes, being gay has impact how the community see's and views me as a person. But, I cannot let the words and beliefs of other people bring me down to where they're at in their life. Being LGBTQIA is not the problem, the problem is the fact that people can't come to accept us because of what they've been told and brought up to believe. They're the ones conflicted, not us. That's an issue they will have to overcome and seek truth to all on their own. I always say I became a shaman because I was gay. I never really know how to answer this questions because being gay is something I've always been...I don't have anything to compare that too.
What's the difference between a medium and a shaman?
Natural born mediums are those that have a sixth sense to communicate with and detect spirits, ghosts, and energies. Most of their work involves only the communication, delaying messaging from the spirits to this realm. They are sign and omen readers, providing interpretation between the two realms. Shamans are also mediums but we deal with the healing of a soul. We are connected to our guides and we require an altar. Although a bad comparison, mediums can be compared to as nurses and shamans as doctors. Nurses can interpret the conditions of a person, help them through minor activities and provide information from other sources. Doctors are the actual practitioner, the one to go into the body, diagnose, and heal the person through surgery or other solutions. All shamans are mediums but not all mediums are shamans. It is important to note that no one is better than the other. Mediums are not better than shamans and shamans are not above mediums.
Can someone learn to become a shaman?
Traditional Hmong shaman practice believes that one cannot learn to become a shaman and must be selected from shaman spirits. Although not every case, once a shaman passes away, we will see the rise of another shaman in the family line. There are exceptions to this as sometimes it skips a generation and other times there can be more than one shaman per family line at a time.
Are there fake shamans?
Just as there are evil people co-existing with good people, there are fake shamans co-existing with real shamans. Sometimes, though, they may not know it. Because shamanism is different for every person, there is no one set system that defines the characteristics of a shaman. This is why it is important when seeking services or help from a shaman to know their history, know their personality, attitude, and to interpret their responses. If you can differentiate between a good salesman and bad salesman, who's intentions are hostile and they only want to scam money from you, than surely you can differentiate a real from a fake shaman. Do not allow a shaman to play into your situation. As a code, most good shamans don't go around revealing information about themselves, cases, and marketing themselves in a way to gain financial profit.
Why are there so many Hmong shamans now?
The rise of shamans can be explained through the rise in today's sicknesses, problems, and diseases of the mind. More people are depressed today than they ever were before. With more crimes and violent deaths, there's an increase in spiritual phenomenon. Availability to drugs affect a person's physiology but also psychology and spirituality as well. Most recently, the world is facing a global pandemic and all countries have seen death as a result of this covid virus, resulting in more shamans emerging. Ultimately, the devil has won by convincing the world he is no longer alive. The sudden emergence of new shamans and spiritual awakenings can be a sign.
How come some Hmong shamans wear a red veil and others wear black? How come others have more than one color?
The color veil depends their ancestral lineage and the color veil of their shaman master. For example, traditional ancestral shaman is that of the red and black veil. It is believed that red veil shamans are descendants of a mighty shaman who's mother died while breastfeeding him as goblins and zombies were attacking. The fire from the thunder caused the baby to have red or bronze hair and he later became a great shaman with the ability to conjure thunder to strike and kill evil spirits. The red shaman veil then symbolizes the red hair as a lineage from that shaman. Modern day shamanism, like what we see today, can consist of multiple colors like green, purple, white, and more. These colors can symbolize using the elements of Earth.
What is the shaman bridge?
The shaman bridge is known as the choj neeb. Referring to the photo above (me), the black yarn at the top of the altar is strung across the living room to the front door. This bridge is the connection of our home to the spirit realm. This bridge must be in the living room. Some Hmong shamans will use white yarn, others black, and some will incorporate the two.
How do you know what to say/chant?
OG shamans will say that shaman guides teach you, and although this is true, we must also learn some of the chants from our master. This is especially true for many Hmong Americans who find it difficult to speak or understand the Hmong language now. The difference from this generation to the generation of our past is that we are not surrounded in only ritual. We are surrounded by work, school, access to medical advancements, hospitals, and much more. With this change in our culture, we see a change in the understanding of shaman rituals. A lot of young Hmong shamans today have to relearn their own language.
Can shamans actually see ghosts?
This is depending on who you ask. Some may say they can, some may say no. Most of the time shamans are energy readers. This means we pay attention to the sign and messages around us. Animals send us messages, the wind can send us signs, little insects, the sky, and sometimes spirits and ghosts too. They can appear in many forms, some good and some in awful forms. For me at least, spirits and ghosts come in dream.
Do Hmong shamans have restrictions in their personal life?
This will depend on the shaman and their guides. Some may not have any restrictions at all while others, like myself, are strict vegetarians. Others may not hunt, fish, or partake in the activity of taking away life. This includes butchering animals or touching raw meat. Others cannot eat pork. Others cannot go to Hmong funerals. Some shamans are even restricted from sex or marriage.
I'm struggling in my shaman journey, what should I do?
The path of a Hmong shaman is not easy, so we are all to struggle in the beginning. At times it may seem like it's a lot, but take a step back and put it context. Life is how we look at it from our view. This path can get really lonely, really quick. Make sure you have someone you can talk to, to share your thoughts, your journey, struggles, and wins. Talk to your master. If you find it that it's hard to talk to them, confide in a person you trust. If you have a partner, you have to tell them your process because they're not going to understand or know. Also, remember that we have to start out with knowing the basics. Once we can get through the basics, then we can move onto other things. Approach this path strategically and slowly. Feeling not sure of what to do or where to go just means there's more changes coming your way.