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Encountering People With Dark Energy

I had a recent encounter with someone drenched in dark magic and dark energy. I didn't know it at first, but it just became clear to me about why I always had a hesitant feeling about them from past interactions. I don't have many shared spaces with this person, but when I do, my shamanic guides create an armor around me, telling me to stand firm but proceed with caution. Trust me, I was not shaken or bothered by any means, but I was very observant. It became clear to me that this person has ill intent. Some of you may have encountered people with dark energy. But dark energy and dark magic does not have to be devil worshipping or someone using hexing dolls on you. It's not your typical "voodoo" that we see on media. Dark magic can be our daily encounters with negative and problem-oriented people. So, what are the signs to look for? How do we shield ourselves from dark magic?

Being observant is key. One of the first things you'll notice about someone with dark energy is that they are literally always negative, and not as in someone who's sad or depressed, but someone who just speaks negatively about other people. To them, other people's success is a threat. Other people's intelligence is a threat. Ideas and innovation is a threat. So pay attention to how they speak about other people in front of you and listen to their intent. Venting and wishing ill on someone are two different things. Everyone vents and complains, but listen to what they are manifesting with the words that are coming out of their mouth.

Being intuitive is essential. When this person is around you or speaking with you, how is your body responding? Maybe your body is tense. You have goosebumps. Maybe you suddenly have a headache. How do you feel engaging with this person? Do you feel unsafe? Do you feel heard? Understood? Respected? If you answer no, be very cautious about what you share with this person. Dark magic is very manipulative. They can take what you share and use it to gauge your feelings. If you share something traumatic in your life with this person, dark energy feeds off of this. It is able to cultivate that emotion and penetrate it into your thoughts. The only mission that dark magic and dark energy has is to disturb you and disrupt you on your path. So when you are encountering this person, if you feel unsafe or overall just heavy, that is your intuition telling you to stay away. That is your body's physiological response to dark energy. One of the reasons why through evolution our intuition has not disappeared is because it has saved our lives. Listen to it.

One of the easiest things to notice about dark energy and dark magic is that it has a hard time getting along with anyone or anything. So if you're noticing that in your conversations with a person, they have a lot problems with other people and they have a lot of conflict, that is also dark magic. Now, there's a difference between someone who is just an introvert and loves to spend time alone vs someone who is dark energy. Introverts do not tend to have continuous conflicts and problems with people. They enjoy isolation. People who are dark energy crave the conflicts. They crave and feed off of problems. Conflict and problems create negative spaces. It creates disagreements and arguments. It creates fights and heart ache. That is what dark energy feeds off of. Now, some disagreements are good and healthy, right? Absolutely. In relationships, we experience a lifetime of disagreements. But with dark energy and dark magic, disagreements are meant to devalue and dehumanize people. There is no way to compromise when its dark magic. It is meant to not resolve issues but instead weaken people. Break people. Break bonds and relationships. If you're interacting with someone who has a history of treating people badly, be very cautious because that is dark magic and dark energy consuming the person.

People who are dark energy forces assume power in chaos. They thrive off of seeing and also creating chaos in their own surroundings but also in other people's lives. They are wreckers of joy and positivity. They are wreckers of hope and opportunity. Have you ever shared something exciting with a person and automatically they turn it down? Automatically they assume you'll fail. This is a force of dark energy. Things like gossiping and starting rumors also create chaos, which is also a form of tactic amongst dark energy/magic.

Hexing dolls are famous amongst the world of black magic. But the ultimate purpose of hexing dolls is to assert control over a person. Dark magic likes to control the narrative, even when the narrative is harmful or false. So when someone is talking, pay attention to how they are controlling their narrative. Are they trying to convince you about who they are? And if so, why do you need to be convinced? Why would someone feel the need to convince you of the truth? Narratives control perception. So the ultimate goal of narrative control is to change your perception about other people or to change your perception of a goal or achievement. They're telling you a false narrative in the hopes that this will cause a disruption in your perception of a person you love or an opportunity. Now, true friends, of course, will tell you the truth and tell you want you need to hear because they care about you, whether or not it is nice. But dark magic will try to control the narrative. They want to control how you see them. This is why you'll hear some people say, "It's like they're being controlled by someone else." or "It's not like them at all to act that way." Controlling the narrative is controlling the mind.

There are two types of people involved with dark magic/energy. The first are people who are unaware. They actually serve as a host and dark magic becomes like a parasite. They cannot help themselves or see to it that they change. They're suffering in their own doing. Then there are people who are aware and thrive off of seeing the fall of others. These are people who are deliberately nasty and assert negative energy towards you. They are cultivators and keepers of this negativity. They harness it through their dark behaviors and manifestations. They choose to be angry.

So, you're probably thinking of a few people you know or have in your life that are like this. Maybe you've just encountered one lately, or you are continuing to encounter dark magic/energy. So what can you do? In a perfect and ideal world, we can dissociate from people like this and never interact with them again. But life is tricky and sometimes we can't just leave these people completely. So first, ground yourself. Be firm in where you stand and be able to set that boundary. Working on setting boundaries can be hard, but do it with good intentions. Choose to intentionally not spend time or engage with this person unless you absolutely must. Be prepared for when you set a boundary because that person will become upset. They will make themselves the victim and convince others of a false narrative about you. Secondly, take time to cleanse yourself. Dark magic and energy is like a poison. It brings harm to your body, your thoughts, your heart, feelings, mood, and how you see and live life. So cleanse your space and your spirit and set a spiritual boundary in your home and around you. Another thing you can do is be disciplined when you are interacting with this person. Being disciplined means choosing not to gossip. Choose not to believe the things coming out of this person. Choose not to allow them to change your perception of what's good in this world. Choose to not be a part of the chaos. Lastly, be unbothered. Be so unbothered that the negativity can't even penetrate your thoughts. It can't shake you or intimidate you. It can't create chaos in any part of your life. Give it no power and no existence in your realm.

TFL Hmong Shaman

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