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Past Life

In my past life I was a soldier who died in the jungle. I was shot in the leg and never made it home. I had a daughter who died before I went to war. She died due to a sickness we assume was because of supernatural forces. She died wearing a white sleeping gown during the night. There are many reasons how we know we had a past life. Past lives can be found in our dreams, our visions, deja vu, and when we meet someone from our past life that gives us an incredible overwhelming feeling. What are some signs you've encountered past life phenomenon? What are some signs you've met someone from your past life? Is it a real thing?

1. Instant Familiarity: If you meet someone for the first time, and you ask yourself, "Where do I know this person??" You might say, "I feel like I've known you my whole life?" These are people you meet for the first time and feel like there's an immediate connection, someone you've known for a long time and somehow they connect with you. You recognize that person, their voice, their energy. When I first met my xib fwb, without knowing she was a shaman at the time, there was an instant connect. I felt like I knew her from somewhere and somehow she had an impact on my life.

2. Certain times we look at someone and it's almost like your spirits take a picture of each other. We feel one. We feel at peace with them or somehow we want to cry or laugh or want to be with them. The people we are meeting now we have always known. There's been one or two instances where I met someone and immediately when our eyes locked, we found a wave of energy. Our spirits instantly connected as one.

3. An intense, immediate, overwhelming, and powerful feeling. These feelings can be good or they can be bad. When we see someone from our past life, they bring us to many feelings. They trigger us or help us remind us of who we are. Just seeing them reminds us of our strength. If we are around a person and all a sudden they help you remind yourself of who you are or you feel at peace, chances are they are someone from your past life. Your soul feels more at peace being in their presence.

4. You both recognize each other. If you see someone for the first time and immediately you recognize that person without even talking and observe the energy in that moment, that moment is a moment you've experienced and recognized in your past life. You can be away from that person afterwards and you continue to think about them, feel them, wonder how and why you know them. When you meet someone from your past life, you don't need to impress them. You don't need to prove to them. You don't need to live up to expectations when you're talking to them. They already know you and your spirit goes through healing when you're around them.

5. You are meeting someone who may have a similar outlook in life or share the same values as you. In your past life, you may have spent a lot of time together and so now you understand each other and the way you guys are. You find acceptance in them and they find acceptance in you too.

6. Time ceases to exist. When you meet someone you've known from a past life, time just fades away, even if it's the first time you've met. You want to continue your exposure to them. When you are around them, it's almost like you can't get enough. You've waited so long to see or meet them again and time seems to go faster. Whatever the reasoning is for you two to meet, it will have its purpose. Our time is aligned with those who are meant to be in our lives, even those from our past life.

7. Recollections of the past. Sometimes you have memories of the past that you don't recall happening in your life. Some people may even have memories of distant lands, of places in the old world or you recall people in the old way of life. Ever since I was a little kid, I'd often see a face of Hmong man in black clothes. Even today when I shut my eyes I'd see his face. Sometimes when I go to sleep I see his face. I recall a series of events happening that were of my past life. The pieces don't match up and the don't make any sense.

8. Dreams and nightmares. You might have a reoccurring dream or a nightmare of a certain situation or of certain people. For me, I had a reoccurring dream of a murder that happened in a Laos village. It was of a Hmong women and her two children who was murdered by her husband with an axe. I kept having this dream and every time this women kept asking for help... She is someone from my past life, perhaps still asking for help. I also have dreams of coming into a Hmong village in Laos multiple times, the same exact village and same exact people. For three nights in a row I had a dream of walking into that village. I remember having dreams of seeing people die and being there in that moment. I can hear the voices of the Hmong people crying aloud and the family members being around the dying person. Somehow in my past life I must have seen them die.

We often come across people we feel like we've known for a long time. We see them, we hear their voices, and sometimes we meet them in passing. Some people believe that every person we meet or see is somehow connected to our past lives. The universe aligns our time and our meeting in perfect harmony. Sometimes you and someone from your past life meet so that the other person can somehow start their healing through whatever trauma they might have or have gone through. I've been thinking about past lives lately. For whatever reason I feel like I'm meeting more and more people from my past life. Every day I am having a more clear vision of who I was in my past life and the people in my past life. The thing to remember is that although past lives is a unique and rare phenomenon, we have to remember that it is the life right now that matters. What we make of this life and the people around us is what truly matters. Some of us are more open to past life regression and for some of us may never experience anything from our past life.


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