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So What Happens Next?

What happens next when they say you're "destined" to become a shaman? What happens when they tell you that you "have" shaman spirits? It's not as easy as some people may make of it. You don't just become a shaman right away afterwards and start healing or diagnosing people. These are often misconceptions that a lot of people have. So, what happens next? What comes after? Here is my short 101 explanation of what I've learned so far! If you know more, let me know too! I want to always be open and learn different perspectives!

After a shaman has confirmed that you do, indeed, have shaman spirits, the next step is to "Tsawv Neeb." What does "tsawv neeb" mean? To "tsawv" is to basically find a shaman and confirm if they can perform a ritual to bring your shaman spirits to you. Just because a previous shaman confirmed that you do have shaman spirits, it does not mean they brought them to you. In order for you to continue to the next step, your shaman spirits must be brought to you. Another ritual must be performed to separate the bad spirits from the good. Shaman spirits must be cleansed before coming to you. This way, you can start your journey without bad or evil spirits. To "tsawv" is to search for a shaman who can do this for you. Not any random shaman can just come and do this. That shaman must have enough strength to come hold your spirits and bring them to you. This is why "txawv neeb" is very important because it lets you know if a shaman can bring your shaman spirits to you or not. Just because a shaman can't do this ritual for you doesn't mean they are not strong enough. It simply means their type of shamanism and lineage is not the same as yours and therefore cannot guide your spirits to you in a way that is meant to.

After you are able to "tsawv neeb," you must contact that shaman. They will perform a ritual that cleanses out bad spirits from good, divide bad spirits to the underworld, and good spirits to your thaaj (altar). They will meet all your spirits and sometimes even meet your ancestors along the way. They will determine what type of shaman you have, as there for many types. The shaman who performs this ritual is often times the type of shaman you have, but not always.

So what's next? The next step is to find your master. Your master is a shaman who will guide you and help you through this process for life. You will share similarities in shaman spirits, chants, shaman bench, and shaman altar. In most cases, the shaman who performed the ritual to bring your shaman spirits to you is often times your master, but not always. In order for you to find your master, you must again "tsawv" a niam neeb or txiv neeb. Once you are able to tsawv a niam neeb or txiv neeb, they will come and have you sit on their bench. This process marks one of the first experiences of becoming a shaman and is one that almost all shamans will remember. Your master will cover you in their shaman veil and initially beat the shaman gong and spray water at you. This water is considered sacred "dragon" water that helps protects and clean you. The beating of the shaman gong will initiate and call out to your shaman spirits to let them know they can come and guide you now.

If you shake and go into a trance, this is confirmation that this person is your master. If you do not shake or go into a trance, this is simply a confirmation stating that this shaman is not your master. When they are not your master, you simple tsawv a different niam neeb or txiv neeb again and start that process over. Some people go through three or four experiences before finding their true master, while some just once. In my case, I did not have to tsawv neeb because the person who came to see if I had shaman spirits caused me to go into an immediate trance. This is the ultimate confirmation that that shaman will become my master.

What determines if a shaman is your master or is not? There are basically two things that ultimately determine if someone is your master shaman. The first thing is, did you shake or go into a trance when that shaman hit their gong for you? If you did, that determines the case. The second thing is, do you like the way that shaman's gong sounds? Do you like the way their finger bells sound? Do you like their chants and their style in their chant? Do you like their shaman bench and the way their altar looks like? These are questions to ask because if you like the way that shaman is, then your shaman spirits like them too. Some shaman spirits can be very picky, which may result in months to years before you even find a master you like.

When you and your master shaman have found each other, what can you expect? First, you will have a small altar for the time being until you are able to go and heal people. Typically this takes a few years; but this varies depending on your situation. During this time, you will practice going in and out of trance and you will learn how to control yourself. You can perform diagnostic rituals at this time. This time is the most influential because you get to connect with your master shaman. Your shaman simply serves as a guide for you and helps you answer your questions. They'll let you know what you need to do in each specific ritual and what you'll need.

Many people think that sitting on a bench chanting is the only way to be a shaman. Well, our ultimate goal is to heal people and there are many other ways to heal. Just because a shaman doesn't sit on a bench and chant and shout doesn't make them less of a shaman. Something as simple as tying a sacred string to someone's wrist is an act of healing, that in itself is an act of shamanism. Something like soul calling (hu plig) is a way to heal someone and that is also considered shamanism. For some, you can simply talk to someone and they'll automatically feel better! That to me, is also a shaman. There are many ways for shamans to heal and help people. Some through traditional ways and others through different ways.



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